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The DVHA AGM 2025

10th May 2025  

Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF

Make a note in you diaries..

From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided

Two free tickets for each Member Hall

Registration details and Agenda to follow soon



ACRE Advice sheets and Model Documents

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 The ACRE Datasheets are an invaluable source of advice on a number of issues concerning Village and Community Halls.  These used to be available from our Village Halls Advisor, but now can be ordered direct from ACRE by following this link.

We will continue to explore other methods of getting these from local sources more quickly, but in the meantime, please use this ordering method.


Which of these factors is the biggest issue your hall faces at the present time?

Posted in
Funding major refurbishment or improvements
33% (8 votes)
Finding volunteers to help with events
4% (1 vote)
Finding trustees to serve on the committee
21% (5 votes)
Finding bookings to make the hall more viable
8% (2 votes)
Keeping up with changes in legislation
17% (4 votes)
Finding booking clerks/caretakers/etc
17% (4 votes)
Total votes: 24

Contact us

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TO CONTACT INDIVIDUAL HALLS please refer to the Hall Booking Clerks Section.

The Dorset Halls Network launched in late January 2010 and has received on-going development since then. It was originally developed by Dorset Community Action with input from Dorset Village Halls Association.   It has recently been taken over completely by Dorset Village Halls Association (DVHA) and we are currently reviewing its content and design.

We would like to hear from you if:

Dorset Halls Network - in depth

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What is the Dorset Halls Network?

The ‘Dorset Halls Network’ is an Internet based support and information system for Dorset’s village and community halls. You can access it at:


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From time to time we issue a newsletter to all the Dorset Hall Network members primarily to draw attention to new content added to the site in the preceding couple of weeks or so. We also issue updates and notices, especially when there is something particularly important or interesting that we feel halls need to be alerted to.

Promotion Section

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The first of the three objectives of the Dorset Halls Network is to help our halls promote their facility as a venue, to encourage more bookings and to get more visitors to their halls. To this end, this 'Promotions' section has three parts, the Venue Finder, the Activity Finder and the Event Finder. 

Information Section Overview

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 The Dorset Halls Networks aims to provide our affiliated halls to promote their hall to the outside world; access important and relevant information about running halls today; and providing opportunities for hall trustees to share experiences and provide each other with peer support.

Public use of Hall private Car park

We currently have problems with non- hall users parking their cars in the hall car park overnight and during the day. Politely reminding them that they should not park there, has no affect. One solution is to charge  non- hall users to park their cars. However I suspect this has many pitfalls, if any halls have experience of charging for parking or can give advice we would welcome it


Ron Cabble Mosterton Village Hall 

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