The DVHA AGM 2025
10th May 2025
Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF
Make a note in you diaries..
From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided
Two free tickets for each Member Hall
Registration details and Agenda to follow soon
Minutes of the DVHA Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 24 November 2009
at Upwey Old School Village Hall, Weymouth , Dorset DT3 5QE
Chair: Baird Oldrey (BO) - West Moors
Secretary: Mary Mathers (MM) - Morden VH
Members: Michael Sheasby (MS) - Thorncombe, Bill Crumbleholme (BC) - Upwey VH, John Clode - Canford Cliffs VH
Apologies from: Marian Eldrett - Woodlands VH, Simon Thomson (ST) - LUCA, Brian Baggott (BB) & Pat Baggott (PB) - Moreton VH,
No contact from Colin Rhymes – Stalbridge, Pat Pullen (PP) - Walditch VH
1. Welcome
BO welcomed everyone and thanked BC for hosting the meeting at Upwey.
Marian Eldrett had sent a letter of resignation from the committee but indicated her willingness to help with specific activities. On behalf of the committee, BO thanked her and hoped that she would keep in touch.
2. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes of meeting held on 4 August 2009 were agreed and signed.
3. Matters arising (not covered below)
MM reported that the water rate legislation has changing. Also
The NVHF membership has now been paid.
4. Chairman’s Report
BO reported that he had missed the Thriving Communities meeting but as the minutes were incomprehensible, he probably didn’t miss anything of importance. He will try to attend the next one. The professionals are trying to measure 3rd Sector work which determines their budget. The Government has various different measures of success.
Setting up the dorsethalls.net website is a priority.
BO recently met Steve Place (SP) and Alannah Bolt (who is retiring next year). BO pressed for the website –
Grant Services and Grant Finding Skills - SP reassured BO that the grant information was on the
BO advised SP that DVHA was able and willing to be a campaigning body.
MM commented that the NVHF has a 10 point plan on campaign issues (see attached). BO proposed that we support the national campaigns.
The Connecting Dorset project board is winding down support to finish in March 2010. BO proposed that DVHA takes over the co-ordinating role if no other body wished to. Another option is to find further funding for a member of staff to continue support. BO proposed that we meet other halls to swap experiences. .
5. Secretary’s Report
MM proposed that
6. Treasurer’s Report
JC requested 5 missing statements and documentation for a credit of £900 approx plus Payment to LR. JC reported that the
7. Correspondence
BO had received an email from Mike Lawford of Norris & Fisher who are visiting him next Monday to update him on their hall insurance offering.
It was discussed whether adverts should be permitted on the website. DVHA has a policy of impartiality.
8. Events
Training Events
Georgina Morgan is responsible for
Chris Carman and
New training ideas include
· Recruiting trustees (with job descriptions)
· Hallmark of Success
· Money matters including charging rates
BO asked if groups of halls could club together to commission
Area Meetings
BO would like to target late January/February to introduce
Date proposed - Saturday 17 April. Several venues were suggested including Horton & Chalbury (near Wimborne), Litton Cheney or Netherbury. We will need a broadband connection.
9. Websites
~ Home page
~ Advisory service
~ Association pages
~ Information finder
~ Knowledge base
~ Hall support
~ Contact form
To be added
~ Venue finder
~ Activity finder
~ Events diary
Also it needs to be optimised for search engines.
MM and BO will send DVHA minutes etc for loading.
The following levels of user are available
DVHA members – can add comments
Authorised users –
Site manager – people in DVHA/
MM to email list of committee members to
BO asked if the forum and knowledge base could be linked.
There is a newsletter facility
10. Reports on Projects
11. Any Other Business
Data protection
12. Meeting Calendar
Next committee meeting Tuesday 9 February at Dorset Community Action,
Mary Mathers
Secretary Dorset Village Halls Association