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The DVHA AGM 2025

10th May 2025  

Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF

Make a note in you diaries..

From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided

Two free tickets for each Member Hall

Registration details and Agenda to follow soon


Posted in


Minutes of the DVHA Committee Meeting held on 03 April 2008

at Frampton Village Hall, Frampton, Dorset BH20 7DT


West: Michael Stevenette (MS), Oscar Winsey (OW), Pat Pullen (PP)

North: no rep

South and Purbeck: Mary Mathers (MM) Secretary

East: Baird Oldrey (BO) Chair

Poole & Bournemouth: no rep

Member: Bill Crumbleholme (BC) Upwey VH

Apologies from: David McKinna (DMcK) Treasurer, David Vevers (DV), Hazel Clifton (HC), Lois Rose (LR)

1.    Welcome

BO welcomed everyone and thanked them for supporting the meeting.

2.    Minutes of last meeting

Minutes of meeting held on 8 January 2008 were agreed and signed.

3.    Matters arising (not covered below)

BO reported that the DVHA domain name was still active and renewal is due Spring 2009.

4.    Chairman’s Report

NVHF - BO reported that he had attended the NVHF lobbying Tea Party.  It was on the same day as the Post Office Closure debate.  Despite this 13 MPs and a Lord attended.  He met John Grogan MP, Oliver Letwin MP and Annette Brooke MP plus members from other areas eg Sussex, Somerset.  He felt that support for NVHF would grow when people realised that there was less support available to Village Halls.

Thriving Communities – BO reported that there were less funds available to halls; Central Government has cut funding, DEFRA has reduced funding to Dorset by £750,000 and the BLF has no money for new projects. He proposed that we get someone of authority to speak at the DVHA AGM on this topic. 

BO and BC attended a training session for the Dorset Community Gateway.  The Connecting Dorset project is progressing.  Parish Council installations proceeding roughly to plan, Village Halls are slow to adopt. We need some ideas to encourage halls to join.  The press launch of Connecting Dorset was on 28 April.  Oliver Letwin MP was supportive.  In his presentation BO emphasised the uniqueness of the project and Dorset’s role in leading the way.  It is sad that not many have signed up.  The launch was reported in the Echo and Bridport News.  Area meetings – 2 already held and a third next week. 

5.    Secretary’s Report

Items covered elsewhere.

6.    Treasurer’s Report

DMcK had emailed his financial report which had not changed since the report to end December 2007.  He is anticipating the transfer of membership subs from DCA.

7.    Correspondence


8.    Organisation

Area meetings – MS has held a West Area meeting that was well attended. 

BO has organised 3 Connecting Dorset roadshows at Cerne Abbas (C), West Moors (E) and Ibberton (N). 2 have been held to date and attendance has been very disappointing with 2 halls at each.  The takeup is slow because there are many ‘small’ reasons to join rather than one large.  Also it is involving the VHs in delivering a service rather than a facility which takes the committees out of their comfort zone.  The people who are likely to be interested are not those who traditionally run halls. There are people that could do it but finding them is not easy.  For example West Moors have a volunteer referred by the Dorset Volunteer Centre, teenagers doing their Duke of Edinburgh Award.  BO discussed running costs with Chris Dobbs (PC representative on Connecting Dorset Board) who felt that Parish Councils may be prepared to fund through the precept.  MS was concerned about the 4 hour commitment each week. MM advised that the time can be incorporated into other activities.  BC recommended using the facilities to attract new people into the hall especially youngsters.  BO pointed out that Magna Housing has invested so that their tenants can video conference with their offices. MM said that the Post Offices are no longer able to provide the services that they used to and rural populations are becoming disenfranchised.

Membership/Subscriptions – there seems to be general apathy of members that join.  Lack of interest shows that demand for DVHA is low as 1 call to LR gives the required answer.  PP pointed out that not everyone knows that she is leaving.  BO pointed out that information on insurance saves his hall £1,000 pa.  BC commented that his hall needs lots of information which could be available through networking.  We must react to hot topics. We need active participation and more people on the Exec Committee especially as OW, DMcK and HC are retiring at AGM.

AGM  - Saturday 10 May at Briantspuddle VH.   AGM calling papers to be sent to members and non-members. 

Agenda: Steve Place to be invited as keynote speaker about the future of the VHA and diminishing budgets.  Stan Wynne of Woods Insurance short presentation – willing to sponsor for £100.  Website and member forums (BC), update on renewables (LR), POPP?

Need to identify a potential Treasurer to replace DMcK.

Working lunch

Area representation – map on board with pins

Refreshments: Sue Oldrey has kindly volunteered to organise food.  PP and MM offered to help and MM will do teas/coffees.  OW volunteered for washing up!

9.    Reports on Projects

No project reports.

10. Website

Following half days training, BC has put some information on the DORCOM Gateway – gives the public face of DVHA – activities, AGM etc.  It doesn’t have a huge amount of information on it but member halls can have their own pages.  BC to enquire if there is a facility to have a standard template that halls can fill in. Bo has been accumulating information that could be loaded and MM will provide minutes.

The Yahoo group is a separate facility for members only to communicate, store information, forums event calendars etc.  It’s very easy to set up and use but a bit confusing when you first log in.  BC is still investigation.  facility does group communication and round robins very well.  It is a closed community with moderation.  Can also post minutes and advise meeting dates.  Will need access to list of members to verify membership.

BO, BC and MM to have Skype meeting to refine website before AGM.   

11. Meeting Calendar

AGM on Saturday 10 May at Briantspuddle VH.

Next committee meeting at Morden Village Hall on Thursday 12 June 2008 @ 10 am.  Funding is next hot topic

12. Any Other Business



Mary Mathers

Secretary Dorset Village Halls Association

Wayside Cottage, 36 West Morden, WAREHAM, Dorset BH20 7EA
Tel: 01929 459217  e-mail: