The DVHA AGM 2025
10th May 2025
Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF
Make a note in you diaries..
From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided
Two free tickets for each Member Hall
Registration details and Agenda to follow soon
Minutes of the DVHA Committee Meeting held on 17 January 2008
at Frampton Village Hall, Frampton, Dorset BH20 7DT
West: Michael Stevenette (MS), Oscar Winsey (OW), David McKinna (DMcK) Treasurer
North: no rep
South and Purbeck: Mary Mathers (MM) Secretary
East: Baird Oldrey (BO) Chair
Poole & Bournemouth:
Member: Bill Crumbleholme (BC) Upwey VH
DCA: Lois Rose (LR)
Apologies from: Pat Pullen (PP), David Vevers (DV), Hazel Clifton (HC),
1. Welcome
BO welcomed everyone.
2. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes of meeting held on 7 November 2007 were agreed and signed.
3. Matters arising (not covered below)
Membership - Tina Jackson (TJ) has not resigned but is not available. BO has updated membership records from TJ and MS. LR maintains her DCA records once a year.
VHs will be on the new DCA website and will be able to update their own details. Could DVHA take over the distribution of the newsletters and
4. Chairman’s Report
BO reported that he met
The Connecting Dorset project board is next week. West Moors VH is now installed. BO said he was trying to bring back a sense of community and promoting as ‘the village pump’.
BO would like DVHA to do a few things well i.e. support Connecting Dorset and get a website and members forum in place. MM reported that 9 of the first 14 halls are now installed and another 3 signed up. DMcK said that it was difficult to get people involved- there were no takers following their leaflet drop.
OW said it was difficult taking on extra work without proper resources.
LR said that halls are too reliant on their Village Halls Advisor.
5. Secretary’s Report
Items covered elsewhere.
6. Treasurer’s Report
DMcK submitted his financial report to end December 2007. In summary Income £165, Expenditure £465, Total assets £189.74.
7. Correspondence
8. Organisation
Membership/Subscriptions – The DCA affiliation year runs from January to December, the DVHA accounts from April to March. LR proposing that this year DCA will charge £20 combined affiliation and pass £10 to DVHA. DCA can send out numbered membership cards electronically. LR/BC to discuss methods. From 31/03 LR will stop Round Robins to everyone and these will go to DCA/DVHA members only. LR will also investigate whether DVHA could distribute
The advantage is DVHA would not need a separate membership secretary. Also as DMcK is resigning as Treasurer this year, it would make the accounting much easier. The DCA/DVHA partnership could be explained at the AGM. After a discussion of the pros and cons, there was a unanimous vote for combined membership.
LR will need to clarify roles with
Area meetings - MS reported that he had had only 3 replies to his last area meeting invitation so had to cancel. He will re-arrange in March and asked MM to attend. BO proposed that Connecting Dorset was the main topic + something else of interest. BO volunteered to organise meetings in N, C and E and will aim for February.
AGM - Saturday 10 May preferred – alternatives 17 May or 26 April. Charlton Down preferred as venue. MM to arrange. LR proposed that the future of the VHA service be on the agenda with
Other topics: Social Enterprises (Rachelle Smith), Micro-renewables (LR), POPP speaker?
Woods Insurance may be interested in a stand.
The NVHF AGM was business only with no conference but a tea party with MPs is being arranged for 19 March @ 4pm. LR has discussed format with John Grogan MP (one of NVHF’s patrons). Prime purpose is to raise the funding issue and present evidence that investment has a significant impact on the use of village halls. Surveys in SW and
9. Reports on Projects
No project reports.
10. Website
BC gave an overview of what his research. The DORCOM Gateway database is useful as a listings site. DVHA needs a separate site which is simple and has references. We could spend a lot of effort just for a site not to be used. Ruralclick offers an open source area and calendar of events.
The Yahoo group facility does group communication and round robins very well. It is a closed community with moderation. Can also post minutes and advise meeting dates.
BO purchased www.dvha.org.uk the DVHA domain name - to check whether still active.
MM will check with Jenny Hemmings if she has time to show BC how to use DORCOM.
11. Meeting Calendar
Next meeting at Frampton Village Hall on Thursday 3 April 2008 @ 10 am.
AGM on Saturday 10 May venue TBC – subsequently booked at Briantspuddle VH
Following meeting at Morden VH or DCA on 12 June 2008.
12. Any Other Business
Mary Mathers
Dorset Village Halls Association