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The DVHA AGM 2025

10th May 2025  

Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF

Make a note in you diaries..

From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided

Two free tickets for each Member Hall

Registration details and Agenda to follow soon


Posted in


Minutes of the DVHA Committee Meeting held on 08 November 2008

at Morden Village Hall, Morden, Dorset BH20 7DL



Chair: Baird Oldrey (BO), West Moors

Secretary: Mary Mathers (MM), Morden VH

Members: Bill Crumbleholme (BC), Upwey VH

Brian Baggott (BB), Pat Baggott (PB), Moreton VH

Simon Thomson (ST), LUCA

Pat Pullen (PP) Walditch VH

DCA: Lois Rose

Apologies from: None

1.    Welcome

BO welcomed everyone especially the new faces.  A few committee members had resigned at the AGM and Michael Stevenette a month ago.

The biggest event coming up is Lois’s retirement – a great loss of the best Village Halls Advisor.

2.    Minutes of last meeting

Minutes of meeting held on 3 April 2008 were agreed and signed.

3.    Matters arising (not covered below)


4.    Chairman’s Report

A special welcome to the new members.  BO would also like to encourage Bill Crumbleholme to become a regular member especially for his invaluable work on the website.  BO apologised for the time it had taken to get this meeting off the ground. 

The AGM was reasonably successful with a respectable turnout and useful presentations.  BO had met Steve Place (new CEO of DCA) to introduce himself and make sure that LRs position would be replaced.  Steve Place (SP) has funding for 2.5 days per week for the Village Halls Advisor (VHA) – a reduction on what Lois does at the moment (4 days a week).  This was before Dorset CC lost money in the Icelandic Bank collapse.  SP is setting up a structure of specialists for the county plus area representatives who will be generalists covering some of LRs role.

BO is on the Steering Group of Connecting Dorset and has a personal interest.  The project is failing for the wrong reasons.

BO held a meeting with LR and MM to discuss handover.  The hot topics are a lot of legislation to make halls legal, decent and honest e.g. fire regulations, licensing.  Energy efficiency is the main topic of general interest.  LR commented that there are no grants for insulation and energy saving only renewables.  This is being raised as an issue to DEFRA via the NVHF.  There is an energy auditing course in Bristol and some grants are available from Awards for all but there are problems.  MM commented that CAfE (Community Action for Energy) gives grant advice for energy projects.

BO attended the DCA AGM.  ‘Community Anchors’ is another government plan to make grants more difficult?  LR commented that Local Authorities are getting rid of their buildings that cost too much to run.  BO said that the objective seems to be to bring together the Parish Council, hall management and entrepreneurial action groups (eg those that did the Parish Plan).  LR said that asset transfer only really works in urban areas.  The people in power don’t understand country issues.

BO said we must support the new VHA.  We need to tighten up member communication and must insist on the Internet as a communication method using the website and members forum on Yahoo groups.  The Connecting Dorset project showed that the best people to run this are not necessarily on the VH committee.  BB said that the survey in Moreton showed that 2 people in the village have the expertise and equipment and other volunteers need to be found.  He emphasised the level of interest for broadband access and training.

LR said that the community development workers work with kids.  BO said that the project may be widened to shop/café/bar.

BO observed that regular area meetings are very difficult to organise and get a reasonable attendance.  He proposed that it is more important that DVHA should organise central meetings on hot topics to get people along. 

5.    Secretary’s Report

MM received the resignation from Michael Stevenette.  She has responded on behalf of the committee thanking him for his contribution to DVHA.

6.    Financials (in lieu of Treasurer’s Report)

DCA has collected £7 for membership of DVHA out of £21 DCA/DVHA collective membership.  DVHA need to invoice DCA for the money.  Is it possible to send NVHF cheque separately?

7.    Election of officers

The nominations were Baird Oldrey Chair, Mary Mathers Secretary, Simon Thomson Membership.  These were agreed unanimously.  There were no nominations for Treasurer so we need to get a volunteer from the membership to cover this.  It was agreed unanimously that BO, MM and ST be bank signatories.

8.    Correspondence


9.    Organisation

Resources LR officially retires on 31/12/08 but is on holiday for most of December and will use the days owed to prepare the Capital Grants papers in February.  The VHA job was advertised last week and received an overwhelming response with 80 people interested. It is hoped that the new person will start on 2/1/09 and be introduces to the VHs in early February. 

LR will also launch the Hallmark scheme of quality standards for VHs.  Halls get a checklist of what they should be doing.  The scheme was developed by Somerset and accepted nationally, promoted by ACRE and approved by the Lottery.  This is run by DCA who will be running training sessions.  The ‘visitors’ (who do the assessments) are paid expenses. The Hallmark scheme could be launched at the AGM.

The new VHA will not have time to hand hold funding applications.  The funding advisors and community development workers could help.  However LR would like to see the VHA visit the hall at least once when funding is being applied for.  The VHA is to support VH committee members only, not the general public.

BO said that DVHA need to set up an infrastructure to respond to queries.  LR receives 6-12 responses on email enquiries.  We could also get ACRE information sheets.  BB asked how we capture this information.  BO said that we need to encourage people to find the information on eg the Yahoo groups.  BCs role after set up is to moderate the groups.  LR said that information coming to the VHA, eg on licensing, and the bulletin could also be loaded on.

PP has had a visit from Salway Ash re PPL requesting payment.  LR said that the PPL should be held by the person organising the event not the VH.  Information sheets and advice on PPL and PRS are available from the VHA.

ST has developed his own website which now runs itself.  BO said that the job for the next few months is getting the website working with a public ‘face’ + members forum.

Membership/Subscriptions – LR will provide final list of members. LR will be sending out bulletins by email in January plus affiliation form and NVHF newsletter.  The new VHA will need to send out the DCA affiliation.

There is no email distribution list.  LR will email all her contacts from affiliated halls and ask if they are happy that their addresses are passed to DVHA.

NVHF – it was agreed to pay subscription and pay membership.  MM was nominated as representative.

10. Events

Area meetings PP was concerned that with Michael Stevenette’s resignation, she could not do all that he did.

Information and knowledge sharing events – 3 ladies have agreed to show others how to do Awards for All applications.

Personal Licence Holder training – the licensing law is being modified and the Designated Premises Supervisor will no longer be needed after April 2009 unless the licensing officer insists on one.  LR could organise half day training for committee members at cost (but with no licence) on DVHA’s behalf.  Could be on same day as Awards for All training. In February?

 AGM  - Saturday 7 or 14 March preferably at Leigh VH.   Morning meeting, networking lunch, workshop in the afternoon. 

Potential Agenda items: Hallmark, performing rights, liability, building of Leigh VH, Exhibition of Hidden Dorset, exhibition of art.

11. Connecting Dorset Support

BC suggested a final push to help.  BO has been campaigning for getting together with current customers.  Need to check what Jane Colvin and team are doing.  BO will offer our support at next project meeting.  Is there the possibility of projectors from the scheme?

12. Reports on Projects

A co-operative buying project for e.g. light bulbs, loo rolls was suggested.  Need to take a poll of those interested.

Film Club – ST reported that the SW Film Society has done the first 3 screenings free.  After that need to hire equipment plus £80-£100 film licence.  Short films before the main eventare available from Poole Arts College, Bournemouth University, Purbeck Film Society.

13. Website

Because it is so difficult to update, MM proposed that DVHA do not attempt to maintain the DORCOM gateway but just use it to signpost the DVHA website.  BC commented that there should also be signposts on other websites eg Dorset for You. On the DVHA website need to communicate what VHs are getting for their £7.

BC mentioned ‘Hidden Dorset’ a website mapping hidden gems and event listings for communities.  Could include village halls.  Also Google Maps can be shaded with VH pointers.  BO to tell BC where area boundaries are.   

14. Meeting Calendar

 Next committee meeting at LUCA, Upton on Saturday 31 January 2009 @ 10 am. 

15. Any Other Business

Do we need to register for Data Protection? ST offered to investigate.


Mary Mathers

Secretary Dorset Village Halls Association

Wayside Cottage, 36 West Morden, WAREHAM, Dorset BH20 7EA
Tel: 01929 459217  e-mail: