The DVHA AGM 2025
10th May 2025
Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF
Make a note in you diaries..
From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided
Two free tickets for each Member Hall
Registration details and Agenda to follow soon
Minutes of the DVHA Committee Meeting held on 1 November 2007
at Morden Village Hall, Morden, WAREHAM, Dorset BH20 7DT
West: Michael Stevenette (MS), Oscar Winsey (OW)
North: David McKinna (DMcK) Treasurer
South and Purbeck: Mary Mathers (MM) Secretary
East: Baird Oldrey (BO) Chair
Poole & Bournemouth:
Member: Bill Crumbleholme (BC) Upwey VH
Apologies from: Pat Pullen (PP), David Vevers (DV), Hazel Clifton (HC), Tina Jackson (TJ), Lois Rose (LR)
1. Welcome
BO welcomed the committee and BC.
2. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes of meeting held on 13 September 2007 were agreed and signed.
3. Matters arising (not covered below)
BO to send letter of thanks to Marian Eldrett .
4. Chairman’s Report
BO reported that his VH at West Moors has signed up for Connecting Dorset. This will give him the opportunity first hand to understand what is involved and the benefits. There is no single ‘no brainer’ of why halls should be involved. There is an Internet Café in West Moors Library but the hall wants to contact the digitally disadvantaged.
Tina Jackson is emigrating to
We owe it to members to send out ‘Round Robins’ about progress. Could also communicate via discussion forums, area meetings and a newsletter. BC described a Yahoo group that could be set up. OW asked what the geographic spread of members was but no-one was certain.
MS proposed that we issue membership numbers so that members would be able to participate in a negotiated deal only available to members eg Woods Insurance.
Only 4 people signed up for West’s area meeting (subsequently cancelled) although 10 halls were initially interested in the Woods insurance deal.
Meetings need to have a good speaker/topics/agenda.
5. Secretary’s Report
Items covered elsewhere.
6. Treasurer’s Report
DMcK distributed a statement of the financial situation and reported that there is £348.94 in the bank and £159.20 cheques outstanding. He said that we need the benefits of membership clarified to encourage membership. Should also write or email paid up members to confirm email address. This should be improved as halls subscribe to Connecting Dorset. BC observed that halls were currently waiting to see how the first halls do. He also asked if we had considered applying for grants.
7. Correspondence
MM reported that ArtsReach had circulated DCMS consultation on the licensing legislation – deadline for responding was 31 October. LR has responded on behalf of NVHF.
BO has invitation to ‘Thriving Communities’ Awayday on 9 November.
8. Organisation
Membership/Subscriptions – Membership starts from 1 January – subscription £5.
Members get invitations to area meetings and AGM.
MS happy to send out renewal to West’s members with invitation to area meeting in March.
Need to organise a meeting with Alannah Bolt and LR (+
Area meetings BO proposed that Connecting Dorset was the main topic + something else of interest. Try to arrange a roadshow before Xmas but timing is tight. BO volunteered to organise meetings in N, C and E.
Apparently Thorncombe VH is very interested. BC reported that Upwey has access problems and enquiries over the safety of the Wi-Fi signal. MM said that training is offered to volunteers and CRB checks organised. BC said that he could organise a presentation at Upwey and potentially invite other halls along.
As Cerne Abbas is already connected could have a demo there then in other halls once connected. Could also explain Yahoo groups, DORCOM Gateway.
AGM - Saturday 10 May decided. Venue Stratton or Charlton Down? Topics to be decided at next meeting. Date may be too late for Village of the Year presentation as their deadline for applicants is 31 March.
The NVHF AGM will be business only with no conference this time due to previous uncertainty over the General Election.
9. Reports on Projects
No project reports.
10. Website
BC gave an overview of what is available. DORCOM Gateway is obvious solution and has facilities. DVHA is on RuralClick but site is not stable. Hallshire.com gives a free listing service – BC will send link when available.
The Yahoo group facility does group communication and round robins very well. It is a closed community with moderation. Can also post minutes and advise meeting dates.
BO to check current status of DVHA domain name.
11. Meeting Calendar
Next meeting at Frampton Village Hall on Thursday 17 January 2008 @ 10 am.
12. Any Other Business
DMcK and OW gave notice that they will retire at the next AGM. BC was asked if he could attend committee meetings as a regular member.
Mary Mathers
Dorset Village Halls Association