The DVHA AGM 2025
10th May 2025
Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF
Make a note in you diaries..
From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided
Two free tickets for each Member Hall
Registration details and Agenda to follow soon
Minutes of the DVHA Committee Meeting held on 13 September 2007
at Canford Cliffs Village Hall, 17 Ravine Road , Canford Cliffs, Poole , BH13 7HT
West: Pat Pullen (PP), Michael Stevenette (MS), Oscar Winsey (OW)
North: David McKinna (DMcK) Treasurer
South and Purbeck: Mary Mathers (MM) Secretary
East: Baird Oldrey (BO) Chair
Poole & Bournemouth: Hazel Clifton (HC)
Apologies from: David Vevers (DV), Marian Eldrett, Lois Rose, Tina Jackson (TJ)
1. Welcome
BO welcomed the committee and thanked HC for her hospitality at Canford Cliffs. He congratulated MM on her appointment to the Connecting Dorset Project.
Marian Eldrett had sent a letter of resignation. She has kindly offered to help in the future. The committee thanked her for her contribution.
2. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes were agreed and signed.
3. Matters arising (not covered below)
Area maps are available on the Dorset Explorer website
The membership D/B is just a list of names and addresses. DMcK will pass on contacts that he finds. The Data Protection Act does not cover halls – only personal details. Has TJ produced membership certificates?
MM to talk to Lois Rose about the use of
Walditch VH had a No Smoking check 3 days after the law was implemented!
HC had contacted the Council about the names and addresses in
BO attended the Dorset Strategic Partnership’s Active Communities Theme Group (now called the Strong, Active and Inclusive Communities Group). Money is available potentially from Parish Councils.
4. Chairman’s Report
BO observed that he is taking over after the group has been in existence for 2 years. It’s still going but not self-supporting. He has not yet talked to all areas. We need to concentrate on doing a few things well and raise the profile of DVHA. DVHA has helped individual halls e.g. lower insurance for West Moors saving £1,000; Funds Investment advice at AGM (Birmingham Midshires and CAF).
Area meetings encourage new members and more help and make the need for DVHA more obvious. We need to publish what we do on the website with a members area and knowledge base.
The future of Lois’s Village Halls Advisor (VHA) role is uncertain with the retirements of DCA’s CE. Lois is also involved in National Campaigns. Need to ensure that the VHA is funded in future and DVHA should campaign for Lois’s successor. Also need to get Lois involved in DVHA once she retires to capture her knowledge.
5. Secretary’s Report
Items covered elsewhere.
6. Treasurer’s Report
DMcK distributed a statement of the financial situation and reported that cheques just issued total £159 which leaves approx. £200 in the bank.
7. Correspondence
HC gave notice that she will stand down from the Committee at the AGM but is willing to continue to help.
8. Connecting Dorset
MM gave an update on the Connecting Dorset project. This is an exciting project, low cost innovative and taking halls back to their roots as a community service. BO reported that West Moors had founded a small sub-committee to find volunteers. MM & BO will prepare a presentation and launch a roadshow in conjunction with DVHA Area Meetings to encourage Village Halls to join the project. The next West Area meeting will be 11 October at Toller Pocorum. Early adopters will be encouraged to pass information to others on what it has done for them.
9. Organisation
Membership/Subscriptions – the formal record is held by the Membership Secretary TJ. Everyone to pass information to her to keep list up to date.
There are 33 members in West, 72 overall. 45 are contactable by email. OW asked how we would collect subscriptions. The West Dorset Area have produced their own membership card.
Memberships are due for renewal on 1 January. Each area could chase their own members but this may leave areas of the county not covered as we have low representation on the Committee from some areas.
Maps of areas covered to be reviewed at the next meeting.
Area meetings need a speaker on a hot topic. E.g Trustee Indemnity Insurance, Group Insurance Schemes. West always hold theirs in an evening. DMcK said that we need to promote the benefits. MS said that the last area meeting could have been a disaster but was very much appreciated. OW observed that North and East were not interested.
Could promote DVHA via Lois’s mailing list and Community News. The Area representatives could also attend VH meetings.
MM reported that Purbeck’s last meeting was on a Saturday and was a success for those that attended. Could do with more halls attending. Need to advertise.
AGM Topics – Energy Roadshow? – check with DCC
10. Reports on Projects
MM to provide contact details for Filmbank. No other project reports.
11. Website
Bill Crumbleholme to be invited to next meeting to discuss options.
12. Meeting Calendar
Next meeting at Morden Village Hall on Thursday 1 November @ 10 am.
HC to attend NVHF AGM on behalf of DVHA.
13. Any Other Business
Covered in main meeting
Mary Mathers
Dorset Village Halls Association