The DVHA AGM 2025
10th May 2025
Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF
Make a note in you diaries..
From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided
Two free tickets for each Member Hall
Registration details and Agenda to follow soon
Minutes of the Committee Meeting
10.00 am 27th April 2007 at the Village Hall, Frampton
West: Michael Stevenette, Pat Pullen, Oscar Winsey
South & Purbeck: David Vevers, Mary Mathers
Poole & Bournemouth: Hazel Clifton
Invited : Bill Crumblehome – Upwey
Apologies from Marian Eldrett , Tina Jackson, David McKinna, Lois Rose
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising (not covered elsewhere)
Definition of Membership Areas
We need to formalise the outlines of the Areas, by reference to our original map. Action: Baird to clarify onto publishable map
Registering our membership database
It appears that the requirements of Registering Databases has changed. Action: Baird to investigate need to register.
ACRE Datasheets
These are available from the DCA who pay the
Chairman’s report
David said that he felt the AGM had been a success, despite the low numbers caused by the lack of notice given. He asked for thanks to be passed on to
Secretary’s report
Kate Hall’s talk on Energy Efficiency was well received, and Baird has a paper copy of the slides used during the talk, and some spares of the handouts. These were distributed to those present, but are available by contacting Kevin Lindegaard of DCC on 01305 228530.
Erik Bengtsson’s talk on using radiant heaters may well be of interest to some halls. It was shown to be very good as installed at our host hall in Cerne Abbas.
We have received a donation of £50 from Erik’s company, Scanlock Ltd, and the management of Cerne Abbas have waived their charges. Buffet costs came to about £45, so we even made a small profit.
Treasurer’s report
As the Treasurer was not able to attend, we believe there has been no significant change since his report at the recent AGM.
Election of Officers
As this was the first Committee meeting after the AGM, we elected the Officers as follows:
Secretary: Mary Mathers – Proposed by Oscar and seconded by Michael
Treasurer: David McKinna – Proposed by Mary and seconded by Hazel
Membership Secretary: Tina Jackson – Proposed by Hazel and seconded by David
Organisation, Regions & Membership
The Group Membership of £150 to the NVHF is now due. This entitles us to 2 voting representatives at meetings.
We have reasonably complete records of the
When we have the topics for the next Area Meetings, we will mail all non-members in our Areas, and encourage them to join the DVHA and come.
David McKinna had mailed in pointing out that postage was likely to be a significant cost if many members were not contactable by e-mail. He offered to contact these by phone and see if he can get an email address, as he is on a scheme where he has fixed telephone costs per month. This offer was gratefully accepted. Action: Baird to give membership details to David who will phone out.
Baird had sent different calling notices for the AGM to halls which have joined and paid, those which have said they want to join and those who have not yet said anything. David has been receiving subs from some of the unpaid members.
Michael has produced Membership Certificates for Western area members.
Action: Tina to get updated membership details from David and produce/send Certificates to other paid-up members.
In 2008, DVHA will take over collecting subs for both DVHA and DCA (subject to further discussion at our next Committee meeting).
Committee meetings
We discussed putting down a schedule of meetings for the next year. We agreed that we should have quarterly Committee meetings in September, early December, February and April.
Area Meetings
The aim is to have 2 Area meetings in each area and 1 combined AGM (with talks) for members to attend each year. Spring Area meetings in February/March, Autumn Area meetings in September.
Judging by the success of the Western area, meetings are most popular when they have an outside speaker of relevant interest at the time. Current topics are: Licensing
Energy Efficiency & Grant possibilities
Fire Risk Assessment
Hiring Agreements
Health & Safety
Perhaps we could persuade Lois to give a general talk on “Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt – Running a Hall legally” to cover a little introduction to all of these.
Next AGM Planning
We agreed that the AGM should be at a Hall near the middle of the County, to minimise travel for all.
The programme should include DVHA Business, one or two speakers of general interest, and end with a buffet lunch to encourage ‘networking’.
We have pencilled
Current Projects
Dorset Strategic Partnership (DSP)
We are members of the ‘Active Communities Group’, although the initiative is undergoing some reorganisation.
The Group will be launching the results of their deliberations as ‘Shaping our future’ at the Springfield Hotel in
Connecting Dorset – IT Project
The good news is that this has now got its funding to cover all the Parish Councils, and 120 Halls in
Jane has organised 4 meetings for interested halls, with details in the latest Dorset Community News. We should try for at least one Committee member of DVHA to be present at each one. They are:
19th May am at Fontmell Magna
22nd May at Frampton – Oscar will be there
24th May am at Stoborough – Mary will be there
24th May pm at Holtwood – Baird will be there
Any Other Business
We invited Bill Crumblehome to the meeting so we could discuss the scope and requirements of a DVHA website with one of our members who knew about the possibilities and how to achieve them. Bill has been developing websites for groups of craftsmen like himself. We are delighted to accept his offer to investigate and build a website for us.
We have registered the name ‘dvha.org.uk’ for our use over the next 2 years. Currently, the name is ‘Registered’ to myself, but as the fee for changing this was £10, we decided to leave it as it is for the moment.
We agreed that we needed a ‘public face’ which told everyone what the DVHA was about, its aims, objectives and organisation. This could also include a Diary of forthcoming events/meetings. We might be able to give a separate page to any Hall to publish Facilities, Hiring Charges and booking Contacts.
We also need a ‘Members Area’ accessible to paid-up members by a password. This should provide access to our ‘Knowledge base’ on topics of mutual interest, Details of Member Halls & contacts, Minutes of recent Committee meetings (?) etc.
The site should also provide Links to other relevant sites such as NVHF, DCA,
We have registered with www.Ruralclick.com who can host our website, and who also provide a readymade structure and facilities for publishing and updating web information. Bill will check this out to see if it is preferable to crafting it himself.
Action: Bill to report recommendations at the next Committee meeting.
Hiring Agreements
It appears that the Model Hiring Agreement provided in the
Next Meetings
We agreed moving to a regime of one AGM and 2 Area meetings per year.
Spring Area meetings are now due, but Western Area have had a meeting in February, and plan for their second in September.
Purbeck Area have booked 10th June at Studland for their next meeting.
Committee – Thursday 13th September at 10.30 am at the Canford Cliffs Hall.
AGM – Saturday 10th May 2008
David Vevers thanked everyone for their participation at the meeting. Baird thanked David as the Retiring Chairman for all his work in getting the Association going over the last 2 years.
The meeting closed at
Secretary, Dorset Village Halls Association
As we seem to be accumulating abbreviations, I thought I would start a list:
BLF Big Lottery Fund – for Lottery grants to 2008
Community Matters aka The National Federation of Community Organisations – the urban equivalent of ACRE(?)
DCA Dorset Community Action – suppliers of the VHAS
DEFRA Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
DVHA Dorset Village Halls Association
NVHF National Village Halls Forum – National VH representation
VHAS Village Halls Advisory Service – supplied by Lois Rose
Jane Raimes – DCA Chief Exec
Lois Rose – Village Halls Advisor
Kate Hall – Energy matters - Sustainable Development Manager, DCC