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The DVHA AGM 2025

10th May 2025  

Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF

Make a note in you diaries..

From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided

Two free tickets for each Member Hall

Registration details and Agenda to follow soon


Training & Quality

Hallmark Application Process Monitor


This information is provided to help you see how the Hallmark scheme is progressing in Dorset. Further information can be obtained from The Hallmark Scheme Manager for Dorset, Baird Oldrey  01202877458 or

Status as at 1st April 2016 ...

Hallmark 1 Awards made to date:

Step 7: Hallmark Award


The Community First Hallmark moderator will only recommend to the national administrative body, ACRE, that a hall be awarded Hallmark 1 once the following criteria have been met:

Step 5: Assessment Visit


The purpose of the assessment visit is for the visitors to see evidence that your hall complies with the published Hallmark standards. Please remember:

Step 4: Pre-visit Document Review


When your hall is approaching the top of the waiting list you will be invited to submit your hall's Pre-visit Document Pack and this needs to be with DVHA/Community First within four weeks of it being requested. If it is not it will probably mean that your assessment visit will need to be put back or your hall may be moved back to the bottom of the waiting list.

Once again, here are the documents you will need to submit:

Step 3: Pre-visit Document Pack


Once you receive confirmation that your hall has been accepted on to the programme you should start to prepare for the first part of your formal assessment by compiling a pack of documents to submit for your visitors to review before they come to see you. This process serves four functions:

Step 2: Expression of Interest

Once you have completed the Visitor Checklist for each level for which you are applying and are confident your hall scores sufficient for certification you are ready to proceed to the next step and complete the DVHA Hallmark entry application form that can be downloaded from this page (see below).

Step 1: Self Assessment

The first step is to establish whether your hall is ready to apply for accreditation. 

4 dates in early March: Trustee Recruitment Road Show

  • Would you like to attract new skills or experience on to your board or management committee?
  • Do you find it difficult to recruit and keep trustees?

The Trustee Recruitment Road Show may be able to help.

23rd March 2010: “Breaking News!” - A 'bite size' event for hall trustees ..... BOOKINGS NOW OPEN

I am really sorry but It appears some people have had problems opening the booking form for this event and I am unable to find out exactly why at the moment. If you would like to attend I will gladly take bookings as an email, just give us the name of your hall and the name(s) of the delegates. If there is a fee to pay just bring it along on the day.

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