The DVHA AGM 2025
10th May 2025
Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF
Make a note in you diaries..
From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided
Two free tickets for each Member Hall
Registration details and Agenda to follow soon
The Community First Hallmark moderator will only recommend to the national administrative body, ACRE, that a hall be awarded Hallmark 1 once the following criteria have been met:
- evidence to satisfy them that all essential standards and 70% of the optional standards have been met
- all non-compliances have been resolved
- have received payment for volunteer’s expenses
- have a completed evaluation form
It is ACRE who have the final say and who issue the formal certificate. Arrangements for presentation will be made with the hall trustees and the hall may derive as much public relations benefit from this as they wish. The certificate should be displayed prominently in the hall. Press releases and photographs are appropriate if the hall so wishes.
Hallmark 1 will have to be re-assessed three years after its award, progression to Hallmark 2 and 3 will be possible at some point in the future when we have the resources to support it.
And finally:
DVHA/Community First is only able to provide the Hallmark service if it has sufficient volunteers to carry out the evidence gathering assessment visits. Successful halls are asked to consider helping their peers by supporting anyone within that hall who would like to offer to do this vital voluntary work. Training for volunteer visitors will be given free of charge.