The DVHA AGM 2025
10th May 2025
Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF
Make a note in you diaries..
From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided
Two free tickets for each Member Hall
Registration details and Agenda to follow soon
The Dorset Village Halls(1) Association
1) The term ‘village hall(s)’ is used as a generic term throughout this document and refers to all village and community halls, WI halls, parish and church halls and other types of community meeting places available for use by their local communities.
1. Name
The name of the organisation will be THE DORSET VILLAGE HALLS ASSOCIATION (DVHA)
2. The Area of Benefit
The Dorset Village Halls Association (DVHA) is established for the following purposes in the area comprising the County of Dorset, including the six rural areas of Purbeck, Weymouth and Portland, East, West and North Dorset and Christchurch, and the two unitary authority areas of Poole and Bournemouth, hereinafter defined as the ‘area of benefit’
3. The Objective of the Dorset Village Halls Association
To represent and promote the interests of Village Halls who are members of the Association and situated in the area of benefit
4. Principle responsibilities of the DVHA
To discharge this objective the DVHA will:-
Promote high standards of village hall management practices
Disseminate information and advice on all aspects of village hall management by arranging meetings of members and arranging training
Represent and promote village halls among the appropriate private, public and charitable bodies
Attempt to direct the policies of the appropriate private, public and charitable bodies in favour of village halls
Collect and receive money and own property of any description to further the objective of the DVHA
Use the assets of the DVHA only to further the objective of the DVHA
Exercise appropriate management controls over its finances and property
Do all such other things as are necessary to the attainment and furtherance of the objective of the DVHA
5. Membership
Membership of the DVHA will be available to the management committees of village halls within the area of benefit
Membership of the DVHA will be confirmed at a meeting of the Executive Committee and on payment of a subscription
The amount of the subscription will be determined annually by the Executive Committee and confirmed by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting
6. Composition of the Executive Committee
The area covered by DVHA will consist of eight ‘Districts’: the six rural district/borough Councils Areas in the County of Dorset plus the two unitary authorities (which make up the eastern conurbation).
There will be 16 elected representatives: two from each of the six districts covered by the six District/Borough Council Areas in the rural County of Dorset, plus two each from the eastern Unitary Authorities of Poole and Bournemouth
The activities of the DVHA will be governed by an Executive Committee which will be elected annually at an Annual General Meeting of the members of the DVHA
The Executive Committee will be formed from elected representatives nominated by the management committee of village halls which are paid up members of the DVHA
Each member village hall will be entitled to nominate one elected member of its committee to stand for election to the Executive Committee of the DVHA
Each of the Districts will hold its own meetings and elect representatives as nominees for the Executive Committee. The management committee of each member village hall will be entitled to cast votes for up to two nominees in the election of their own district representatives
The Executive Committee will serve a three-year term of office from the date of election at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Providing his / her village hall is still a member of the DVHA the outgoing members of the Executive Committee will be eligible for re-nomination as members of the Executive Committee
If any District fails to nominate any representatives then the members present at the Annual General Meeting shall be empowered to elect representatives to the Executive Committee to bring the total up to ten irrespective of the geographical location of the members so elected
The Executive Committee will be empowered to co-opt an additional four members to the Executive Committee but not to exceed a maximum membership of 20
The Executive Committee may establish such sub-committees as may be considered necessary to discharge the objective of the DVHA
The Executive Committee may establish working parties for specific projects as may be considered necessary to discharge the objectives of the DVHA
Only one half of the members of the standing committees or the working parties may be co-opted
7. Meetings of the DVHA
All members of the DVHA shall be advised of the date and time of the Annual General Meeting of the DVHA which will be held annually in the month of March or as soon as possible thereafter
Immediately after the Annual General Meeting the new members of the Executive Committee will meet to elect its officers who will be Chairman, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary
The Executive Committee will meet quarterly or as required
A Special General Meeting or a Special Meeting can be called by the written demand of six members of the DVHA giving their reasons for such a meeting or by the Chairman
All meetings of the Executive Committee and any Special Meetings will be called by giving at least fourteen clear days notice in writing to their membership
The Special General Meeting shall be called by giving at least twenty-one clear days notice in writing to their membership
The AGM shall be called by giving at least twenty-eight clear days notice in writing to their membership
Five members of the Executive Committee, three members of a Sub Committee or a Working Party will form a quorum of these bodies respectively
8. Finance
The financial year of the DVHA will be from 1st January to 31st December
All monies raised by or on behalf of the DVHA will be applied to further the object of the DVHA and for no other purpose provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment of remuneration to any employee of the DVHA or the reimbursement of approved expenses by members of the Executive Committee in the course of discharging their duties
The Treasurer shall keep proper records and produce accounts of the financial position of the DVHA for each meeting of the Executive Committee and at the end of each financial year
The Executive Committee can appoint a person to examine and approve the annual accounts if it deems it necessary. The person appointed should not be a member of the Executive Committee
Copies of the annual accounts will be made available to each member attending the Annual General Meeting for approval at that meeting
All money of the DVHA will be deposited with a recognised Bank or Building Society approved by the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee will authorise the Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and one other member of the Executive Committee to sign cheques or authorities of withdrawal of funds on behalf of the DVHA. Each cheque or withdrawal authority must be signed by two of the four authorised signatories
9. Alterations to the Constitution
Any alterations to this Constitution will require the assent of not less than two thirds of the full membership of the DVHA present and voting at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for the purpose provided that notice of such alteration will have been received by the Secretary in writing not less than twenty one clear days before the meeting at which the alteration is to be proposed. At least fourteen clear days notice in writing of such a meeting setting forth the terms of the alteration will be sent by the Secretary to each member of the DVHA
10, Dissolution
If the Executive Committee by a simple majority decide at any time that on the grounds of expenses or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the DVHA it will call a Special General Meeting of the DVHA giving twenty one clear days notice of such a meeting and stating the resolutions to be proposed. If the proposals are approved by two thirds of those present the Executive shall have the power to dispose of the assets of the DVHA. Any assets remaining after the payment of all debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to an organisation whose objects are similar to or compatible with that of the DVHA.