The DVHA AGM 2025
10th May 2025
Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF
Make a note in you diaries..
From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided
Two free tickets for each Member Hall
Registration details and Agenda to follow soon
Minutes of the DVHA Committee Meeting held on Saturday 30 May 2009
at Morden Village Hall, Wareham , Dorset BH20 7DL
Chair: Baird Oldrey (BO) - West Moors
Secretary: Mary Mathers (MM) - Morden VH
Members: Marian Eldrett - Woodlands VH, Colin Rhymes – Stalbridge, John Clode - Canford Cliffs VH
Apologies from: Simon Thomson (ST) - LUCA, Bill Crumbleholme (BC), Upwey VH, Pat Pullen (PP) - Walditch VH, Michael Sheasby (MS) - Thorncombe, Brian Baggott (BB) & Pat Baggott (PB) - Moreton VH, Peter Orchard (PO) – DCA
1. Welcome
BO welcomed everyone and thanked MM for hosting the meeting at Morden.
2. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes of meeting held on 19 April 2009 were corrected as JC is in East, agreed and signed.
3. Matters arising (not covered below)
Data protection registration – carried forward in ST’s absence.
4. Chairman’s Report
BO reported that he, MM & BC had met the new Dorset Village & Community Halls Advisor (DVCHA) Peter Orchard again. PO has now had VHA training and found out that
PO also reported that
DCA is reviewing its publications.
The revised licensing legislation (that means that halls do not need a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)) is now enacted. Halls need to be advised of the changes.
5. Secretary’s Report
No specific items not reported elsewhere.
6. Treasurer’s Report
JC reported that he has not yet received the cheque from DCA for last year’s subscriptions. MM to send JC a copy of the invoice. BO to give John the latest statements. BO also to send cheque to Lois Rose. MM & JC to get their signatures registered at the bank.
7. Correspondence
BO had received the West Dorset Community Plan Review as a partner organisation. They are holding a workshop on 14 July.
8. Organisation
Partnership with DCA
DVHA and DCA need common communications methods e.g. joint website. DCA are building a new website based on open source software. Their new senior manager will be responsible for getting it up and running.
We need a checklist of facilities for it to be a joint website. For example, the contacts need to be individuals as potentially more than 1 person per VH would need access.
DVHA were disappointed in the wording of DCA’s membership renewal letters which emphasised DCA over DVHA.
Area Structure and Representatives
BO said that there is a greater role for area meeting so that
9. Events
Area based meetings
Target September to introduce
JC asked about the approach and composition of VH committees. They normally have representatives of specific user groups plus parish council etc.. Members are generally interested in the hall; some are active, others not.
10. Connecting Dorset Support
BO reported that it was hoped to hold an event for halls participating in the Connecting Dorset project at some time.
11. Reports on Projects
BO asked if we as DVHA were willing to campaign on e.g. Capital Grants. It is important to maintain a network of contacts and cultivate acquaintances e.g. Cllr. Les Ames who is on the DCC Capital Grants committee.
A recently discovered area of potential problems are changes in water rate charges for surface water drainage. JC commented that water charges are currently based on the bore of the water supply. 15 mm is treated as domestic, 25 mm is commercial.
12. Meeting Calendar
Next committee meeting at Morden VH on Tuesday 28 July or 4 August 2009. Subsequently date confirmed as Tuesday 4 August at 11 am.
13. Any Other Business
The Corporate Manslaughter issue raised by Ann Abernethie has been referred to DCA.
Mary Mathers
Secretary Dorset Village Halls Association