The DVHA AGM 2025
10th May 2025
Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF
Make a note in you diaries..
From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided
Two free tickets for each Member Hall
Registration details and Agenda to follow soon
Minutes of the DVHA Committee Meeting held on Saturday 18 April 2009
at Moreton Village Hall, Moreton, Dorset
Chair: Baird Oldrey (BO) - West Moors
Secretary: Mary Mathers (MM) - Morden VH
Members: Bill Crumbleholme (BC), Upwey VH, Brian Baggott (BB) & Pat Baggott (PB) - Moreton VH, Marian Eldrett - Woodlands VH, Colin Rhymes – Stalbridge, John Clode - Canford Cliffs VH,
Apologies from: Simon Thomson (ST) - LUCA, Pat Pullen (PP) - Walditch VH, Michael Sheasby (MS) - Thorncombe, Peter Orchard (PO) - DCA
1. Welcome
BO welcomed everyone and thanked BB & PB for hosting the meeting at Moreton.
2. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes of meeting held on 14 February 2009 were agreed and signed.
3. Matters arising (not covered below)
Data protection registration – carried forward in ST’s absence.
4. Chairman’s Report
BO announced the good news that we have a new Dorset Village & Community Halls Advisor (DVCHA) Peter Orchard.
MM & BO met
AB is anxious for a membership push – currently 114 out of 210. JC asked if DCA have a list of all 210 – yes, this was passed to DVHA some time ago. DVHA send AGM invitations to all halls via DCA mailing list. ME proposed that there should be only 1 entity for membership. (Last year membership was £21 - £14 to DCA and £7 to DVHA, this year it will be £22 - £15 to DCA and £7 to DVHA). BO views that, while historically DVHA was a product of DCA, we are now equal partners.
BO commented that last year we gave up on the area structure because of lack of interest. But if the topic for the meeting is interesting, members do attend. We need area meetings to introduce
BB commented that people are afraid to join another committee when already busy with their own VH. JC questioned whether the difference between DVHA and DCA is obvious – is there a leaflet that defines the differences.. BO responded that DCA provide a paid advisor, DVHA offer volunteer support. He has drafted a paper on the role of DVHA. CR commented that his VH committee is not keen on DVHA as they see it as another Quango.
BO asked whether we wish to merge under one name or not? DCA has already purchased a domain name of www.dorsethalls.org.uk (used for Connecting Dorset) so we could use this. JC said that we should re-evaluate the partnership.
BO reported that Connecting Dorset has closed its books for new halls but have resources to support 40 halls in
5. Secretary’s Report
MM has attended the meetings just reported by BO. She has claimed the £7 membership for the 114 halls from DCA.
MM requested that all committee members let her have their contact details.
6. Financials (in lieu of Treasurer’s Report)
BO has produced revised accounts. He has paid £50 for the use of Leigh VH for the AGM also paid lunch expenses and cake. We still owe NVHF subscription for 08-09 and 09-10.
7. Appointment of Treasurer
JC has volunteered. He advised that he is not an accountant but does have experience of book keeping. BO proposed that John Clode be Treasurer, seconded by PB. Agreed unanimously. BO proposed and BC seconded that MM and JC be new signatories on the bank account. (BO and David KcKinna current signatories). 2 signatories are required on cheques. MM suggested investigating CAF account but it was decided that this was too complicated for our banking requirements.
It was proposed to move the financial year to April to March to align with DCA’s change in the membership year.
8. Correspondence
BO has sent Ann Abernethie’s letter on Corporate Manslaughter on to Alannah Bolt. She said that there is advice on the DCA website. MM said that her hall’s recent renewal from AON insurance now covers this.
9. Organisation
Partnership with DCA
BO asked the committee how they viewed this. ME said that DVHA should do ‘what it says on the tin’ and we need to explain what the “Association” is. BC said that that we must make sure that we are not set up to provide a service that we can’t. BO thought that DVHA should help halls to promote themselves – eg provide a basic page for halls that don’t have their own website. Dorset Adult Learning may provide help. BO has researched various software packages that may be useful. JC said that we need an objective of what we want to achieve. BO & MM to dig out what has already been written and refine. BC thought we need good communications and members signed up.
Area Structure and Representatives
BO said that DVHA works with informal area structures. MM said that, for the area to be effective, it is important to have reps.
Locations of the current committee are:
Central BB & PB
North CR
East BO & ME
Purbeck MM & ST
West PP & MS
DVHA/DCA Membership/Subscriptions – MM has claimed £7 from DCA for 114 halls for membership year 2008.
NVHF – the 2007-8 subscription needs to be paid out of the 2008 membership fees. We also need to pay 2008-9. Total £300. (This was agreed at the last meeting).
10. Events
Report on AGM - Saturday 14 March @ Leigh VH
BO reported a very good meeting.
Area based meetings
First theme – “The new world of VH advice”. Area meetings to be held in halls that have broadband connections. Timings to be decided once
11. Connecting Dorset Support
The Connecting Dorset project is coming to a close. Could organise an end of term party for halls that have joined up. Extra money has been made available for running costs and Morden have received a grant of £2,000 towards their telephone installation.
12. Reports on Projects
On hold.
13. Website
The website presence needs to be enhanced with graphics and an advert for the AGM. Also need a framework for the Yahoo groups. AGM minutes and
BC also suggested a knowledge base of subjects eg hire rates and asking for subjects that people would be interested in for area meetings.
14. Meeting Calendar
Next committee meeting at Morden VH on Saturday 6 June 2009 @ 10 am. (subsequently date changed to Saturday 30 May)
15. Any Other Business
Mary Mathers
Secretary Dorset Village Halls Association