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The DVHA AGM 2025

10th May 2025  

Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF

Make a note in you diaries..

From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided

Two free tickets for each Member Hall

Registration details and Agenda to follow soon


Posted in

Minutes of the fourth Committee Meeting

10.00 am 23rd February 2006 at the Village Hall, Morden


  West:  Pat Pullen,  Michael Stevenette
  South & Purbeck:  David Vevers, Mary Mathers
  East:  Baird Oldrey, Marian Eldrett
  DCA:  Lois Rose

  Apologies from Sue Chapman, Hazel Clifton, Tina Jackson, Jean Miller, Oscar Winsey

David welcomed Lois Rose to the meeting. 

Matters arising (not covered elsewhere)

The minutes were reviewed, approved and signed with a deletion of the action on Mary to find out about Publicity boards.

DVHA Website

No recent action, Baird to continue to pursue.

Publicity Board

Baird showed details of Portable displays onto which DVHA information could be fixed for use at meetings.  Lois said that DCA could probably assist with enlarging presentation material where required.

Chairman’s report

There have been no relevant meetings since the last Committee meeting

Secretary’s report

Baird said that he had been contacted by Bob Kempston of Winterbourne Whitechurch who have 50+ plastic chairs for sale at £1 a time, as they are getting new ones. His telephone is 01258 881217

Baird gave details of Consultation meetings of the S & E Dorset Patient & Public Involvement Forum in Verwood and Wimborne on local Health service provision, and invited participants to contact the organisers.  Our interest in in the use of halls for ‘outreach clinics’.


Area Meeting Reports

Baird reported that he had helped run 3 Area meetings:

Central area had 6 people representing 4 halls

East, Poole & Bournemouth & Southeast had 2 people representing1 hall

North had 7 people representing 5 halls

He commented that it appeared the best run halls which were most interested in the Association, and which were able to make it to the meetings.  In general, there were not any significant issues raised outside the projects already proposed.  Cost saving on insurance and information on Access for funding were the most useful things we could provide.  Notes from these meetings are attached.

Purbeck & South area will be having their meeting on 23rd March at Morden Hall at 7.30 pm.


Organisation, Regions & Membership

Definition of Roles

There has been some confusion (not least in the mind of your Secretary) on the relative roles of the various organisations operating in ‘our’ area:

Lois has produced an article to point out the purpose and differences between DCA & DVHA. (attached)

DCA gives professional guidance to Village Halls & Community Associations

DVHA is a self-help group providing grass-roots support to NVHF

NVHF campaigns for the interests of Village Halls at National level

ACRE covers a wider scope than just Halls for Rural areas, but includes this in their remit at central level.

Community Matters covers the same wider scope for Urban areas

I am sure there are better words to define this, and I would welcome your suggestions to refine the definitions, so we can publish clear guidelines to our members in the ‘Introduction to the DVHA’ leaflet.

Definition of Areas

We are still debating whether to have a separate South-East Area for Christchurch, or whether to combine it with Poole & Bournemouth or the East Area.  To be discussed.

We need to formalise the outlines of the Areas, by reference to our original map.

Action: Sue to provide original map to Baird


We agreed to look for a suitable person to take this on.  (Post meeting note: Pat Pullen suggested David McKinna of Portesham who has agreed to do it for one year only)


Lois has raised DCA Affiliation fee by £2 this year to pay for Dorset membership of the NVHF, and the balance to be available for DVHA.

We discussed a Subscription of £5 to run from April to March ’07, probably to be collected by us, and a reduced rate for attending the AGM/Talks which made it better to be a member.

Mailing List

Currently Baird is maintaining the mailing List, and updating with email addresses as they become available.

Action:  Please get e-mail addresses where possible & notify Baird

Lois can get more Poole & Bournemouth Hall details

Action: Lois to send to Baird

We have had one or two changes of Area requested, and these have been noted on the Mailing list.

Current Projects

NVHF – National Village Halls Forum

Lois said that people were still unaware of the good work that NVHF were doing, and had achieved over the Licencing laws.  We agreed to give time to cover this at the AGM.

Lois will send Baird the most recent newsletter for information.  This has already gone to paid up members.

Next meeting is the 2nd March – Mary Mather will report at our next meeting.

Lois would like to receive concerns for raising at NVHF Exec, and acknowledgment of successes.  Please report direct.  She is currently representing DCHA on the NVHF Executive Committee but would like a DVHA representative to take over.

Action: Consider who at next meeting

Village Venues Partnership

The next meeting is 1st March in Dorchester.  Mary will represent DVHA

Connecting Dorset – IT Project

The aim is to have a PC in each village for use by Parish Council and Hall Committee for the distribution of central information, and internal communication.  Jane at DCC is the person to contact on this.

Action: Lois to find out current status for next meeting

Group Insurance

Lois has been contacted by an Insurer, and will pass details to Baird (done).

Eon have helped NVHF with costs, and should be considered. 

Action:  Baird to contact the noted insurers.

Other joint buying

Michael suggested that some supermarket chains might be willing to give discounts for purchase of event catering needs, in return for promotion within DVHA.

Action: Michael to contact Tesco & Morrisons

Mobile Cinema

Michael reported that Thorncombe have financed their own projection equipment.

Could we go to ‘Awards for all’ for funding for similar equipment?

Action: Baird to write to Moviola .

Hall survey

Baird has received several responses (mainly from the West) and is starting to collate the results.  Questionnaires should go to the remainder with the calling notice for the AGM.

Knowledge Database

Baird said he intended to store the information gathered in e-mails in a central database, where they could be searched by topic.

Rate Relief

Pat Pullen reported that most councils are continuing to give the 20% rate relief, but that some in East Dorset are not.  It is necessary to write and claim the Rate Relief.  Sports Halls can now have Charitable status.

Hallmark Scheme

Lois would like to get this under way.  She can set up a meeting with Somerset VHA if required, or ask for some of their materials. 

The next step is then to get volunteer ‘Visitors’ from each area, and meet to work out the mechanics of visiting ‘out of area’.  The best approach is a swap, where 2 visitors do each other’s areas.

The watchword is ‘Assessment’ – not ‘Judgement’.  The Committee should then receive the report of the visit.

We could probably approach DCC or District Councils for assistance with costs of travel etc.


Any Other Business

Fire Risk Assessment

Lois said that the introduction of legislation has been delayed until October.  We need to find out what the Act requires of the person doing the Assessment.  Lois is trying to source lower cost training courses, and will try and get a speaker for our AGM. 

Good practice for any Hall is “to be safe” by having an annual Audit & review, and to visit the actions required from the Audit from time to time.

Action: Lois to seek speaker for AGM


Lois has seen some grants for ‘consultation’ which might be useful for DVHA, and will look again for these.

The next ‘Big Lottery Fund’  distribution is in June. 

As part of the ‘Grant Programme’ for the Big Lottery Fund, Lois wants feedback on what was difficult in making applications previously – e.g. cover for Small projects, simpler ‘jargon-busting’ application forms etc.

When going for a major grant, Lois recommends a 5-year Business Plan, with stages for Needs Analysis survey & results, Proposals & Consultation, etc.


It appears that most halls have now got their arrangements in place, although some have not.

NVHF have done good work in lobbying for more relevant and ‘sensible’Licencing rules for halls.

Lois clarified that the TENS licences applied to up to 12 single events covering no more than 15 days.  A Food Outlet is one serving food on 5 or more occasions in a 5 week period.

Panto Competition

The Annual Pantomime competition is in danger of dying out unless Lois can find someone to take it on.  This judges the Pantos in each Village and awards “Gremmies” – a cross between Grammies and Emmas(!) to the best.  There is currently £1300 in the kitty.

Should we promote this at the AGM


This proposed for Saturday 6th May.  Post meeting note:  David has said that this date is not convenient for some of the Committee, and has asked for 27th May and 3rd June to be considered.

Baird to investigate availability of Durweston Hall

We propose having a brief AGM to appoint officers for the next year, and discuss other matters etc.  We can then have interesting speakers on topics of general and current interest:

  1. How to do a Risk Assessment
  2. Fire risk Assessment
  3. Hall Insurance

Lois offered to contact Martin Clifton, Chairman of the Wilts VHA, if required.

We will plan this in detail at the next Committee meeting. 

Action: Lois to find speaker(s) on Fire Risk/Assessment

Next Meeting

Saturday 25th February at 10.00 am at the Martyrs Inn, Tolpuddle.

David Vevers thanked everyone for their participation at the meeting.

The meeting closed at 1.05 pm.

Baird Oldrey
Secretary, Dorset Village Halls Association


Latest Mailing List – Please check that we have the right Area, and let Baird know any changes to this and other details

Report of recent Area meetings
Article on DCA & DVHA Roles by Lois Rose
Proposed Agenda for next Committee meeting & AGM