The DVHA AGM 2025
10th May 2025
Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF
Make a note in you diaries..
From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided
Two free tickets for each Member Hall
Registration details and Agenda to follow soon
Minutes of the third Committee Meeting
10.00 am 24th November 2005 at the Village Hall, Tolpuddle
West: Pat Pullen, Michael Stevenette
South & Purbeck: David Vevers, Mary Mathers
Apologies from Sue Chapman, Hazel Clifton, Marian Eldrett, Tina Jackson, Oscar Winsey,
Last meeting
The minutes were reviewed, approved and signed.
Stage curtains
Details of suppliers have been supplied to the Hall who were asking. This information will be added to the Knowledge Database in due course.
Security CCTV
Baird reported that his Hall had investigated this and rejected the idea on the basis of cost.
Information material
Baird produced a draft ‘Introduction to the DVHA’ paper for supplying to those expressing interest or doubt. This is attached for suggestions of improvements – for example, should we describe how we fit in with NVHF, ACRE & DCA, etc.
Various other matters arising were discussed here, but are minuted under the appropriate headings below.
Chairmans’s report
David has attended two meetings of the Active Community Theme Group This aims to improve liaison between the Councils and Voluntary organisations such as Village halls, Churches. They are coordinating funding from the Councils.
They have funds available for projects such creating a Parish Plan, Schools, etc. For Halls, it appears that at least 5% of the funds for a project must come from the Parish Plan to attract these central funds.
Note for Area Meetings: Ensure that your Parish Plan specifically states the there is support for the Village Hall.
David has also attended a meeting on the Village Venues Partnership, which has formed a Committee on which David represents DVHA. This is a County initiative to encourage better use of Halls, including village Halls, Church, Schools, Scout & Guide groups etc. It also has funding available for this purpose.
In particular, there is funding for the development of ‘multi-use community facilities’ and IT projects including the use of broadband to bring the Internet for local use.
We need to expand and continue representation on this Committee when David is unavailable. Mary will attend when she can, and Michael can make meetings in the daytime. Could any others who are interested let Baird know.
David reported previously on the IT proposal for the installation of PCs for access by Parish and/or Hall Councils for use in dissemination of central information. Mary has read this in greater detail and pointed out that the proposal only funded the initial supply, and that subsequent Internet costs and replacement equipment would have to be borne by the Hall. In discussion, we agreed that the initiative would therefore only really be practical to Halls which incorporate a Parish Office.
Action: Mary to represent us and make these points on our behalf
Secretary’s report
Baird said that Malcolm Allen has had to resign from the Committee, due to pressure of running his own Hall with a shrinking committee. This means that we will need someone else to help with the North Area, from those who show interest at the next Area meeting. Jean Miller is the only remaining Committee member from the North Area.
Action: Baird to liaise with Jean to fix Venue & Date for North meeting
Website: We have had an offer of assistance in setting up a DVHA website from Bill Crumblehome of Upwey Village Hall.
It was also suggested that we should provide information on DVHA for the NVHF website, and have links between them in due course.
Action: Baird to find out more
One hall asked for information on Stage curtains. Thanks to Hazel and Oscar for supplying details of the suppliers of their new Stage curtains. This has been passed on to the person who asked for help.
NVHF – National Village Halls Forum
David represented us at a recent and very useful meeting with Jim Knight, the Minister for the environment. Mary is also on the Secretariat.
Mary provided leaflets describing the objectives of the NVHF and their successes so far. We will send out a copy of this in a separate mailing (due to file size constraints).
Area Meetings
Michael reported that the Western area had had a meeting for 18 people representing 12 halls. This raised the local interest considerably.
Planning initial Area meetings
We agreed that the remaining areas needed to hold their initial meetingas as soon as possible in the new year, and that we should make it as easy as possible for each Chairman to organise. This will be by:
Providing a suggested calling letter and agenda
Doing the mailing/e-mailing
Assisting each other in running meetings
The proposed sequence of events is as follows:
December – validate Mailing details, including allocation to regions, and get as many e-mail addresses as possible.
Each Chairman to fix a date and venue and notify Baird
Early New Year – Baird to send out Calling notices and questionnaires
Before 23rd February – Initial Area meetings
23rd February – report findings to next Committee meeting
The meetings will give details of the Association’s objectives and planned activities, and provide an opportunity for ‘networking’ with other local Halls.
The Agenda which worked well in the west was:
- Introducing DVHA Committee members
- Those present to introduce themselves and their needs/issues
- DVHA Setup and objectives
- Working with the DCA
- Benefits of membership of the DVHA
- Funding sources
- The aim of the questionnaire – to gather information on local facilities
- Your views and ideas
The aim is to encourage active participation and renewed membership next year
Actions: Regional Chairmen to notify Baird of their meeting date & venue by end of December.
Organisation, Regions & Boundaries
We are still debating whether to have a separate South-East Area for
Part of the purpose of the initial area meetings is to establish which area each Hall would find most convenient to be a member. I have had to take a guess as to which Area, so can you please review the notes on the attached Mailing list, and notify me of corrections.
We agreed that, although we have no funds at the moment, we should appoint a Treasurer at the next Committee meeting, so they can draw up a budget for the Membership costs of the next year, and be put forward to the AGM for approval.
Tina and Baird have been exchanging membership lists based on those supplied by Lois.
While Tina’s PC is not contactable, we agreed to use Baird’s full list for the next mailing. Baird will check with Tina, and see if Mary could take over the work in the short term.
Action: All to send any updates (especially e-mail addresses) to Baird by the end of December
Mobile Cinema
Michael reported that Moviola are becoming firmer in their ‘starting threshold’ of audience size.
Baird believes that a smaller ‘portable kit’ could be created for less than £2000 for loan by smaller venues to build up to the Moviola threshold or the capacity of their hall. Care must be taken not to compete with local Film Societies, but to encourage co-operation.
We will write to Moviola to confirm their area of operation, so that David can try and get funding for the equipment without contention.
Action: Baird to write to Moviola .
Group Insurance
No action
Action: Baird to contact the larger insurers.
Hall survey
Baird has received several responses (mainly from the West) and is starting to collate the results.
Knowledge Database
No action
In the meantime, it would be useful to start collecting information on projects undertaken and completed in the form of emails to Baird.
Action: Baird to investigate ways & means
Rate Relief
Pat Pullen reported that in
Hallmark Scheme
This is postponed until we have feedback from the Hall Survey and the first round of networking meetings.
Fire Risk Assessment
Baird said their Hall had got the local Fire Service officer to do the survey and write the Assessment report. This was done at no cost.
Mary said that a presenter at the NVHF meeting had indicated that the Fire Authority were ‘not targeting new organisations under the legislation’, and that we could expect help rather than accusation for our efforts.
Baird to liaise with Lois to check what is now required
Any Other Business
Mary suggested we should have a Publicity Display stand for use at public exhibitions, meetings at which we should be promoting ourselves.
Action: Mary to find out if DCA could help with board and enlarging our publicity information to poster size
David Vevers thanked everyone for their participation at the meeting.
The meeting closed at
Next Meeting
Thursday 23rd February at 10.00 am at the Morden VILLAGE HALL.
Mailing List – Please check that we have the right Area, and let Baird know any changes to this and other details
Leaflet - Introduction to the DVHA – Comments please
Proposed Calling letter for next Area meeting
Secretary, Dorset Village Halls Association