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The DVHA AGM 2025

10th May 2025  

Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF

Make a note in you diaries..

From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided

Two free tickets for each Member Hall

Registration details and Agenda to follow soon


National Village Halls Forum

Posted in



The Forum was founded in 1983 to exchange & disseminate information

National Village Halls Forum Secretariat
36 West Morden
BH20 7EA
Phone: 01929 459217


The Forum was founded in 1983 to exchange & disseminate information about Village and Community Halls in England and, at a national level, to represent Halls with the Government and other relevant national bodies, about the concerns facing community buildings managers, particularly in respect of changes in legislation.


Since 2001 there has been a small executive team to direct the policy of the Forum, which is "grass roots" led, as only representatives of Village Hall Associations or Trustees of Halls, may be elected as Officers. However, we very much welcome and enjoy the support of one Village Halls Advisor as a member of the Executive Committee, who is able to contribute up to date information and advice on all topics of concern to the Forum, and its members.


The Forum does not offer general or legal advice; this service is available from the Village Halls Advisor at your local Rural Community Council – there is one in each County in England


Our function is about POLICY. 

We campaign for a fairer deal for village halls, on issues such as:

  • Long-term, national sustainable Capital Funding to maintain and improve our Village and Community buildings;
  • Relief /reduction in VAT on village halls;
  • Ways in which we may reduce the burden of regulation

We produce a Newsletter twice per year, to update members on our current activities, advise on forthcoming activities, consult on proposed activities,campaign or projects, as well as general items of information and interest for all those concerned with running a village or community hall.