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The DVHA AGM 2025

10th May 2025  

Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF

Make a note in you diaries..

From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided

Two free tickets for each Member Hall

Registration details and Agenda to follow soon


Model Job Descriptions for Officers and Trustees

Trustees/Committee Members Responsibilities

  1. To act in the interests of the beneficiaries and ensure activities meet the objectives set out in the constitution
  2. To ensure the committee complies with the rules set out in the constitution and acts legally in all its activities
  3. To ensure the necessary insurance policies are taken out and reviewed regularly
  4. To ensure the hall is kept in good repair and the organisation’s assets and resources are well managed
  5. To ensure the hall has effective health and safety policies and that they are effectively monitored
  6. To ensure the committee meets all its contractual and financial obligations
  7. To agree the annual budget and monitor income and expenditure
  8. To discuss and agree the lettings policy
  9. To discuss and agree fundraising activities
  10. To authorise grant applications
  11. To agree the annual report
  12. To set dates and agree agendas for the AGM and any other general meetings
  13. To attend committee meetings regularly and work jointly with other members

The Chairperson’s Job

  1. To chair committee meetings and the AGM
  2. To prepare meeting agendas in consultation with the secretary
  3. To plan meetings
  4. To represent the group and speak on its behalf
  5. To act or take decisions for the group between meetings if necessary, after consultation with other officers
  6. To sign, and occasionally write letters, on behalf of the committee
  7. To support and encourage other members
  8. To lead and produce ideas
  9. To be one of the designated cheque signatories


The Secretary’s Job

  1. To prepare agendas for meetings in consultation with the chairperson
  2. To call meetings and circulate the agenda and any other papers
  3. To call the AGM, with publicity sent out within the timescale set out in the constitution
  4. To take and record minutes of committee meetings and the AGM and ensure minutes of the previous meeting are agreed by the committee and signed by the chairperson
  5. After meetings, to inform members who were absent of any actions agreed
  6. To receive correspondence and report appropriate parts to the committee
  7. To arrange insurances and any licences required
  8. To write letters on behalf of the group
  9. To keep the minute book, a copy of the Trust Deed and constitution and any other committee records
  10. To prepare the annual report and present it to the committee for agreement
  11. To be one of the authorised cheque signatories
  12. In cooperation with the Treasurer to complete the returns required by the Charity Commission

 The Treasurer’s Job

  1. To keep a record of day to day financial transactions
  2. To issue invoices
  3. To pay bills
  4. To control petty cash and receipt all petty cash payments
  5. To check bank statements and reconcile them with the cash book
  6. To prepare (or have prepared) end of year accounts
  7. To arrange for the independent examination or audit (depending to turnover) of the accounts
  8. To ensure bank mandate forms are completed and up-to-date
  9. To be one of the authorised cheque signatories
  10. To prepare an annual budget for consideration by the committee
  11. To monitor income and expenditure against the budget
  12. To report the financial situation to the committee regularly (at every meeting if possible and at least quarterly)
  13. To report any financial irregularities
  14. To report on the end of year accounts to the AGMIn co-operation with the Secretary to prepare the annual return to the Charity Commission