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The DVHA AGM 2025

10th May 2025  

Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF

Make a note in you diaries..

From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided

Two free tickets for each Member Hall

Registration details and Agenda to follow soon


Posted in

 Minutes of the Committee Meeting

10.00 am 21st September 2006 at the Village Hall, Morden


  West:    Michael Stevenette, Oscar Winsey
  Central: Tina Jackson
  South & Purbeck:  David Vevers, Mary Mathers
  East:  Baird Oldrey
  Poole & Bournemouth: Hazel Clifton
  DCA: Lois Rose

  Apologies from Pat Pullen, David McKinna, Marian Eldrett

Matters arising (not covered elsewhere)

In the absence of the Treasurer, Baird reported that the Bank Account would be opened next week.  (Post minute note, this has now been done)

Carried forward from previous meetings:

Definition of Membership Areas

In view of the lower number of members in Poole & Bournemouth and the South-East Area around Christchurch, we decided to combine them with the East Area until numbers increase.

We need to formalise the outlines of the Areas, by reference to our original map.

Action: Baird to clarify onto publishable map

Jane Raimes of DCA wants to know what information we will have on our Databases.  We agreed that information will only be released after agreement of the Committee.  Action: Baird to write

Baird said that we needed to register our databases with the Data Protection Agency, and that he needed to get a book costing about £15 which gave the details.  This expenditure was approved.  Action: Baird to register.

Chairman’s report

Dorset Strategic Partnership (DSP)

David has attended a meeting of the Dorset Strategic Partnership.  This is supposed to be ‘setting the template for Voluntary Services in Dorset to the year 2016’.  It will be the Grant Body for ‘new money’ from Central Government, to be matched by County money to solve local problems.  Its important to know what the current jargon is to attract these funds.

The DSP are appointing a coordinator, and building a database of Voluntary organisation in the county.  The aim is to increase the number registered by 33% by 2008.

As David missed the last meeting, we agreed that in future, we would try and get at least 2 of David, Hazel and Mary to attend each meeting.

Dorset Community Action (DCA)

The Chief Exec. – Jane Raimes – is due to be retiring in November 2007, and Lois Rose is due to retire in November 2008.

There is a working party looking at potential re-organisation at the moment.

Actions: Baird to write to Jane Raimes, confirming continuity of Lois’ role, and a plan for handover to new people.

Action: All Committee (and members) to write to their Dorset County Councillors to emphasise importance of Grants to Village Halls.  Note that Devon have recently axed these grants.

We need to make an economic case for aid to Village Halls, pointing out what they save the Councils.

Secretary’s report

Correspondence on Renewable Energy

There is a Central Government Fund to help up to 11 halls in Dorset to convert/upgrade their heating and lighting to use Renewable Energy.

Lois is organising courses to explain what is involved, with the first on 13th October at Morden.

The DCC have appointed a ‘Renewable Energy Coordinator/Officer’, who is funded for the next 3 years by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.


We need to coordinate with DCA to avoid sending out duplicate emails to our members who are also members of DCA.  Action: Baird to liaise with Lois.

Ruralclick website

This is a new venture being set up by Simon Bland, who is also connected with Allied Westminster, masters of the VillageGuard Insurance scheme.

Treasurer’s report

David was unable to make the meeting, due to prior engagements.

Organisation, Regions & Membership

Subscription Year

After discussion, we agreed that the Membership year would run from January to December, and that the subscription would include Group membership of the NVHF for their year from April to March (?).

We realise that this appears to give little benefit for membership this year, where we operated ‘membership for all’ up to and including the last round of Area meetings.  This means that the only difference to being a member will be to receive the AGM Minutes and Area Meetings Notes, and any ‘members only emails’ that we may send between now and the end of the year.  We agreed that is anyone felt sufficiently aggrieved to complain, then we would offer to roll their membership fee into paying for 2007 instead.


Central need one more Committee member, ideally to help Tina & David McKinna.

The North needs two Committee members.  We should try and encourage Jean & Bill Miller to at least host the next Area meeting, and check with Colin Rhymes for any ideas.

Mailing List

Currently Baird is maintaining the mailing List, and updating with email addresses as they become available.

Tina will take over once she has her new PC, printer and email address sorted out.


We agreed moving to a regime of one AGM and 2 Area meetings per year.

Area Meetings

All Areas have had their meetings, except for Central who were meeting in the evening of the Committee meeting.

Baird will publish notes in due course.  West had a good attendance, having got a speaker on the new Fire Regulations.  Others were less well attended.


The NVHF have their AGM on 21 November 2006 in London.

We agreed that David Vevers and Helen Clifton would be our representatives.

We will need to pay the Group Membership for 2006/7 from our funds when the Bank Account is live.  Action: David McKenna


Lois is keen to ‘get DVHA on the map’ with more Halls, and made some suggestions which could do this and help her with her administration:

DCA Subscriptions

Could DVHA collect membership subscriptions for DCA as well as DVHA (and effectively NVHF).  DCA has a membership of about 120 of the 200 halls in Dorset.

We discussed this briefly, and agreed that Baird should write to David McKinna to see if our Bank Account would allow handling this sort of arrangement.  We agreed to discuss in greater depth at the next Committee meeting.

ACRE Datasheets

These are available from the DCA who pay the ACRE membership.  Could the DVHA hold the stocks of the ACRE datasheets and distribute these when requested, and charge non-members where required.

Lois will check with ACRE that they would allow this sort of arrangement.

Consider at next meeting

Current Projects

Connecting Dorset – IT Project

We talked on this at the Area meetings.

DCA have published a Feedback Questionnaire to be returned by the end of September.  These were distributed where possible.

Other joint buying

Michael is working on the supermarket chains who might be willing to give discounts for purchase of event catering needs, in return for promotion within DVHA.  Most likely at the moment is Tesco.

Any Other Business

Next Meetings

Central Area – Monday 21st September at 7.30 pm Tolpuddle Village Hall

Committee - Tuesday 14th November at 10.00 am at the Village Hall, Frampton.

AGM – Saturday 3rd February 2007

David Vevers thanked everyone for their participation at the meeting.

The meeting closed at 12.45 pm.

Baird Oldrey
Secretary, Dorset Village Halls Association