The DVHA AGM 2025
10th May 2025
Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF
Make a note in you diaries..
From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided
Two free tickets for each Member Hall
Registration details and Agenda to follow soon
Notes on the Formation meeting of the DVHA held at the Puddletown Village Hall on
We have lift off!!!
Thanks to the work of Lois Rose in getting an excellent turnout at the ‘Enhancing your chances’ day, we received a near unanimous vote to form the DVHA.
Thank you to all who have offered to represent your Regions on the initial Committee. We look forward to working together.
Thank you to Colin Rhymes, Stan Wood and Tina Jackson for coming to represent the Working Party on the day.
To discuss the proposed constitution
To approve the founding of the Association
To appoint Regional Representatives
Discussion & Minutes
Lois Rose
Lois gave a talk on the need for the DVHA as a grass-roots organisation providing representation on the National Village Halls Forum. This is a group for lobbying the government on treating our village Halls as a National resource, and funding them accordingly.
Baird Oldrey
Baird welcomed people and introduced members of the Working Party present.
He then gave a talk on:
- What we will do to provide mutual benefit and national lobbying
- How we will do it with regional and central meetings
- The organisation, makeup of the Committee and the Constitution.
Question time
There were no queries on the Constitution, other than a suggestion that we should be aligning our regions with the District Councils in
As we are now in an increasingly electronic world, the suggestion was made that we should have our own Website, where we can publish our objectives and activities. The Internet can also possibly be the medium for the DVHA members to have access to a ‘knowledge base’ of useful contacts for a number of areas of our operation. I said that we will try and do most of our internal communication by e-mail, and that to this end, it may be useful to try and get e-mail addresses for contacting our members quickly and at minimum operational cost. Stan Wood suggested that it might be possible to get funding for setting up this IT infrastructure.
We discussed likely costs of membership, and re-iterated that this would be free for the first year, while we establish the likely cost of operation, which we can then share in the coming years.
Lois reminded us that there is a ‘special offer’ for individual Halls to be members of the National village Halls Forum for £10 this year.
New Licencing Law
The original speaker was unable to attend, but the morning session was rescheduled to let Ryan Branson explain the situation.
Ryan covers this responsibility for
For those, like myself, who are uninformed in this area, the rule of thumb is that you need to have sorted out your situation and applications by August 6th this year.
Next Meeting
We need to establish the best regular day of the week and time to have meetings to achieve the highest attendance. I know that some of us work, and so Saturday mornings have been best. I have Thursdays off from work, so can make that day, or could change it occasionally.
Could you please let me know your possible and best times so we can come up with a ‘best fit’. If you can let me have responses by 5th April, it will confirm that I have correct contact details, and can fix a date.
In my talk, I made great play of our holding our meetings in a pub, and would like to continue this. I suggest we hold our first meeting in the Tolpuddle Martyr’s
I think that the Agenda should be as follows, but would welcome contributions:
Alignment of regions with DCC Districts
Appointment of Officers – Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer
Publicity – Website, input to DCA bulletins etc.
Membership campaigns
County & National liaison & representation
The aim is to achieve some ‘quick benefits’:
Hall facilities & charges census
Combined buying – Insurance etc.
Items for loan or hire – Staging, chairs, screens, sound, lighting & projection equipment etc.
Gathering & publishing of ‘I know a man who does’ knowledge
Hallmark scheme
Quarterly meetings
First suggestions
Next Committee meeting
All this suggests quite a full meeting, so we may have to think of having a second meeting shortly after the first to get things off to a really productive start.
I look forward to receiving your comments.
DVHA Committee 2005/6
Region |
Name |
Address |
Phone |
e-mail |
West |
Michael |
Threshers |
01935 |
wstevenett |
Oscar Winsey |
Metlands |
01300 |
oscarwinsey |
Pat Pullen |
Old Forge Cottage |
01308 |
dorsetpullens |
Central |
Tina Jackson |
01305 |
mcjackson |
Sue Chapman |
Barnside |
01305 |
mlc.at-home |
Sutton Poyntz |
Purbeck |
David Vevers |
The Knole |
01929 020 8650 2078 |
Mary Mathers |
36 |
01929 M: 07720 |
mary.mathers |
Poole & |
Joyce Ball |
2 |
01202 481387 |
joyce.ball |
Hazel Clifton |
16 De Mauley Rd |
01202 709421 M: 07775 738266 |
hazelmclifton |
Morag Davenport |
01202 623904 |
East |
01202 877458 M: 07831 W: 01202 |
baird bmno |
Marian Eldrett |
01202 826181 |
marian.eldrett |
North |
Colin Rhymes |
01963 363702 |
colin@colinrhymes |
Jean Miller |
4 Dinhay |
01258 821192 |
quillpenub |
Malcolm Allen |
Childe Okeford |