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Trustees & Committees

Regular review of finances


The treasurer reports to a meeting of the trustees/committee that there has not been time to produce any accounts or financial report for the meeting:

Unauthorised expenditure

The caretaker discovers a water leak under the kitchen sink and, as the situation is urgent, contacts a plumber to get the problem fixed without getting the approval of the hall committee first:

Payments to officers


The committee is finding it difficult to fill the post of treasurer. An accountant who lives in the community offers to do the job in return for a fee of £500 a year which is lower than their commercial rates:

Vested interests


The hall management committee/trustees are discussing some structural changes to the hall and a member of the committee who is a builder offers to do the work 'on the cheap:

Corporate responsibility


At a meeting a member of the committee says that they would not be held responsible if something went wrong as the result of a decision taken as they were not present and did not vote for it:

Approval of the Annual Accounts


At the AGM the treasurer presents the accounts to those present and answers questions raised. The chair then asks for a proposition that the accounts be approved and adopted.

The committee's Quorum

The hall's governing document says that a quorum will be a minimum of one half of the number of members present but at a meeting there is one short of this number:

Who is a Trustee?

During a committee meeting a representative from a user group says s/he is not a trustee as they were never elected as such, they are just there to represent their group:

Model Job Descriptions for Officers and Trustees

Trustees/Committee Members Responsibilities

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