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The DVHA AGM 2025

10th May 2025  

Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF

Make a note in you diaries..

From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided

Two free tickets for each Member Hall

Registration details and Agenda to follow soon


Activities & Events

Short mat bowls

Hi everyone, 

This Autumn we are intending to start a Short Mat Bowls evening at Chideock Village Hall. We have been fortunate to have been given some mats and are now starting to get the equipment together. One problem at the moment is that here is a long lead time for ordering new bowls and I wondered if any halls had any bowls that they no longer used and which they would be willing to part with - for a suitable donation of course. 

Many thanks

Paul Ramsden



Chideock Village Hall



AGM 2017 - at Okeford Fitzpaine Village Hall

AGM 2017

This year, we met at Okeford Fitzpaine Village Hall on Saturday 13th May. 15 Representatives from 13 member halls were present + 4 guests and 2 speakers.

After the business of the AGM, we had a presentation from Dorset Energy Solutions on Solar Power and Renewable Energy. Several delegates followed up with enquiries about their own hall’s suitability. The Licensing Officer from West Dorset explained the changes in licensing legislation that affect community venues, particularly sales of alcohol.

Fundraising with Skittles

Hire Our Portable Skittle alley and make money. The Stratton Summer Fayre Committee built a new portable Skittle alley over the winter of 2010/11, and this is now available for hire at a very competitive rate for local communities. The alley comes complete with all the pins and balls you will need. Contact Tracy Hughes on 01305 267480 or for more details.

Entertainment Groups in Halls

I am Brian Baggott (Ex Moreton Village Hall & DVHA Committee).  Pat, myself and two girls are trying to get together a Theatre/Folk/Entertainment group who could travel around Dorset and put on plays or arrange for professional groups to use Moreton Village Hall. 

Can anyone put me in touch with those village halls who put on Arts entertainment so I can pick their brains on setting up the venture

Little Red Riding Hood

The Broadmayne Players present

Little Red Riding Hood

a pantomime by Paul Reakes

Verwood Memorial Hall

Verwood Memorial Hall is located in the centre of Verwood, adjacent to a large playing field and childrens playground.  It has on site parking and is opposite a large free public carpark.  It has a main hall with stage, sound and lighting, a smaller side hall and a committee room all of which are available to hire either individually or any combination.

There is also a large fully fitted kitchen and small servery.

The hall has full cloakroom facilities, including disabled toilets.


School of Everything and Village Halls

Informal adult learning is good for people. It builds confidence and skills. It brings people together and keeps them mentally and physically active. It reaches out to people who feel learning isn’t for them, especially people from disadvantaged groups. It builds vital bridges into formal learning, training and sustainable employment.

Activities List


Note: Not all halls add information in to the Activity Finder service.

The absence of a particular activity from this list does not necessarily mean it does not take place in your hall. This information is provided as a guide only, please contact the hall or the named group contact for further information.


The Activity Finder Explained:


The ACTIVITY FINDER service lets you see what is going on in your hall or enables you to find out in which halls the activity of your choice is held :

Showing films in Village and Community halls

There has been renewed interest in showing films in village and community halls.  What could be better than just strolling down the road to the hall and meeting with friends and neighbours and after the showing being able to share your views on the film you have just seen together.

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