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The DVHA AGM 2025

10th May 2025  

Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF

Make a note in you diaries..

From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided

Two free tickets for each Member Hall

Registration details and Agenda to follow soon



The bookings secretary has refused a booking from a youth group as they feared damage may be done to the hall:

  1. It is in order for the bookings secretary to be selective in who they take bookings from, especially if they think there is a risk that the hirers may damage the hall
  2. The bookings secretary should not take this action alone and should only act within guidelines laid down by, and agreed, by the management committee
  3. This is illegal and contravenes equal opportunities and anti-discrimination legislation

Firstly, option 1 is just not a starter and the booking secretary has no discretion to exercise over who can and cannot book the hall. Any person in the post should never be left to implement their own policy and, if there is to be policy, then it must be agreed by the management committee as whole and then the bookings secretary has clear guidelines to work from knowing they have the support of the trustees.

Does that make option 2 the correct answer? No, it doesn't! It is illegal to discriminate against certain sections of society. There is a list of classifications that you cannot discriminate against and you cannot discriminate against anyone based on their age. Option 3 is the correct answer. Anyone over the age of 18 has a right to hire the hall on the same terms as any other hirer.

Naturally, an 18 year old may find it difficult to meet the standard terms and conditions that you impose for all hirers. For example, you may have a returnable cash deposit of £250 requirement which they might find difficult to acquire. But, then, do you actually charge all your hirers the same returnable deposit or just casual hirers?

If the person wishing to hire the hall has previously damaged the hall then you can decline to accept the booking and that would be true what ever their age, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, etc.