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What other sources of funding are available?

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 It should be understood that there are currently no major funding schemes available for improving existing halls or for building new ones. The best chance of making a ‘rebuild’ happen is if there is a site to sell which can thereby raise funds. It is essential to develop a long term strategy and detailed plan before starting on fundraising. This needs to be approached in a very business like way

  • Survey the village regarding the hall use and identify the benefits and impact on the community of what you intend to do.
  • Get a full structural survey of the existing building done and include issues for access by the disabled in any such survey 
  • Undertake a feasibility study (It may be possible to fund 50% of this from the Capital Grants budget). [Note: Purbeck DC may help with feasibility funding but it must be matched by funding by the community (maximum funding would be 50%)]
  • Architect’s initial fees can be part of the feasibility study; this would be for doing preliminary drawings and for taking to planning consent. This should be done at a set price.
  • For major works hold a public meeting where the committee can put forward its proposals and recommendation and seek community support