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The DVHA AGM 2025

10th May 2025  

Stalbridge Village Hall
Lower Road
Sturminster Newton
Dorset DT10 2NF

Make a note in you diaries..

From 10:00 to 14:00 - Lunch provided

Two free tickets for each Member Hall

Registration details and Agenda to follow soon


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 Guidance notes for: An outside store


If you have outgrown the internal storage at the hall perhaps you are considering erecting an outside store, the following points should be considered.

·        The location of the store.  It should not be placed near enough to the hall to allow possible intruders to gain access to the windows or the roof of the hall nor should the position impede a fire escape route. Out of sight from the road might avoid the attention of the opportunist’s thief.  

·        It is recommended that consideration is given to the construction material of the store. A wooden building could present a fire risk not only in itself but also to the hall if it is sited too close to the hall it is also more liable to attacks by vandals.  A metal or concrete prefabricated type shed could help avoid these issues.

·        Check if you need planning permission. 

·        Tell your insurer that you have an outside store, failure to do so could result in both the store and its contents not being covered by the policy.  

·        Reduce costs by having battery operated lighting, this would also avoid having high level wires that might attract the attention of those looking to cause inconvenience to others and or fire /electric shock hazards.

·        Avoid windows or have a net curtain or use greenhouse glass wash over the window so that the contents are more difficult to see.

·        Keys should be limited to those that have their equipment stored inside the shed. More than one method of locking would be advisable.

·        Inform users of the store  to avoid where possible the storage of inflammable or toxic substances

·         You could consider collecting rainwater for plant watering with use of a water butt.

·        Remember to do a Health and Safety check on the way things are stored.  Good organisation of the space will not only be safer but also allow more to be stored inside.

·        If the store is to be erected by a user group make sure you have a written agreement about its upkeep (it could become an eyesore) and what happens to it if they no longer use the hall, would you want them to take it away or to leave for general use at to the hall committee.

·        Consider charging for the use of the store if the committee are providing the store for a specific group at the halls expense.