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“Breaking News!”: An Information Sharing Event for Hall Trustees

I am really sorry but It appears some people have had problems opening the booking form for this event and I am unable to find out exactly why at the moment. If you would like to attend I will gladly take bookings as an email, just give us the name of your hall and the name(s) of the delegates. If there is a fee to pay just bring it along on the day.

Email me at:    “Breaking News!”: An Information Sharing Event for Hall Trustees

Once again - my apologies!

Peter orchard



“Breaking News!”: An Information Sharing Event for Hall Trustees


Puddletown Village Hall


23rd March 2010


12.00 for 12.45 start; the event will finish by 5.00pm


Affiliated halls can send one delegate free.

 Non-affiliate halls and extra delegates from affiliated halls at £10.00 each


Do we have news for you and do you have views for us? Over the last year we have worked hard to remodel theDorset Village and Community Halls Advisory Service. We want to share some of the developments with you and we want your views on how useful what we are doing is going to be to you and, better still, we want to pin-point ways we can continue to improve how we can help you.


Come along to our ‘BiteSize’ event “Breaking News!” to find out more about:


·         The ways we are looking at to keep you informed of new developments in the world of hall management and how we can answer your questions appropriately and promptly.

·         Why we are introducing the quality assurance scheme ‘Hallmark’ to provide you with the comfort of knowing that your hall is being run in line with the best possible practice

·         The current funding environment and how it is changing and what potential sources of grants may be available to help you fund future hall improvements


BiteSize’ events aim to make the most of your valuable time. They include a buffet lunch; three or four short, participative sessions on relevant topics; tea, toilet and talk breaks between each session.]




Arrive, register, lunch and chat


Session 1: ‘PIN-pointing’ your needs

Our objective is to help you promote your hall; keep you informed about key issues and to provide opportunities for you to share knowledge and experience with each other through a hallsnetwork. We want to tell you what we are doing to achieve these three objectives and we want you to tell us what else you want and how



Session 2: ‘Webbed Feet!’ How can we help all of you?


We have a lot of halls in Dorset and they are often far apart. How do we overcome the logistical problems of supporting you all? Over 90% of our halls have access one way or another to the Internet and the web. Take a guided tour around the new Dorset Halls Network website and see how it can help you. Tell us how we can make it better and what features will make you use it.



Session 3: ‘Hallmark’ The measure of success


As charity trustees, hall committee members have obligations to their users to ensure that the best possible practice in hall management is being used. How do you know that your hall is doing this? This year we are launching the Hallmark scheme where you can measure what you do against the best practice standards and get a nationally accredited award to show you meet that standard.



Session 4: Taken for Granted!


Funding hall improvements is becoming an increasingly vexed issue. Halls can rather take for granted that funding will be there when they need it from a variety of providers. This is not the case and we want to give you an overview of the current funding climate and, in particular, announce details of what Capital Grants programmes will be running in the county through 2010/11.



Evaluation, feedback and close